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Our annual production sale is Monday, November 25th, 2024 at the ranch

viewing begins at 10AM sale at 1PM



 View 2024 WEIGHT SHEET (coming soon) 

 WATCH the SALE AND BID online at 




Efficiency and hybrid vigor are important traits and whatever your cowherd is I think you will find a great representation of the Hereford advantage here. We are extremely pleased to bring these cattle to you and feel there is value in them for you. I think you will find a herd that has been bred and bulls developed with you in mind. These cattle have had to prove they could succeed in this environment as the extra feed you might justify hasn’t been available to them the last ten years. We have cattle scattered from Oklahoma and Texas, all the way to Washington and these cattle can adapt . Our labor force has shrunk and they are more survivors than ever before. The udder improvement from recent sires is refreshing. This set of two year old heifers is raising big calves so the milk is there. The contributions of these last two sets of two year olds sends us a message that this cowherd is ready to take a big step. We have added bulls with balanced carcass traits while keeping the growth and birth weight acceptable.

 Our cattle are limit fed and nobody gets all they want to eat unless it is grazing. The performance here is as real as we can make it and tells us what we need to know. You will find cattle that can move well to your home.